Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This Makes Me So Glad - I think It's The Crumbs That Do It...BUT WHO CAN BE CERTAIN??? NOT YOU!!...SO PISS OFF, MEREDITH!

This is Blenhooray. 

He has story time solo on a Tuesday afternoon.  

He does not like green tea...he thinks it tastes like sock draw...

And he would know.

His favorite word is cup.

His favorite word to rhyme with cup is sy-rup.

Blenhooray does understand that the initial 'sy' in syrup does not rhyme with cup...

Blenhooray has written to Bill Bryson, requesting that he a write a book  on this anomaly.

Blenhooray probably hates you.

Wash Trihip

At the Liney